Saturday, February 28, 2009
Why Don't Scientific Discoveries Happen When You Need Them?
Keep Your Fingers Crossed
Friday, February 27, 2009
Busy, busy, busy!
I also finally got around to photographing and listing another baby afghan. Been a busy day or two. Now I just have to finish listing cat toys and go make some more.
And I still have to put the findings on another tatted choker and try to come up with earrings to go with it or something. No rest sometimes.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
New Pretty!
Still working on the other flowering vine choker, but this took center stage for a while. Now I just have to figure out what to do with the rest of the star beads. Earrings, maybe?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
It's Almost That Time Again
I had a hard time figuring out what was the right thing to give up this year. Finally I decided to give up fast food. I eat way too much of it and I know that it's not good for me. Hopefully, I'll get a little healthier and maybe even lose a little weight in the process ;)
I'm also hoping that after giving it up completely for 40 days, I might eventually be able to find a little balance and not eat so much fast food in the long run. Yeah, I know I'm not good at balance and moderation, but hope springs eternal, right?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Or Not
I started another flowering vine choker last night with a slight variation in the flowers. After a few repeats, it began to feel too monotonus to do essentially the same pattern twice in a row, so I also started another choker with beads. We'll see which I end up finishing first.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Seems to Need Something More . . .
The safety pin is placed at the last spot I measured it to save time and frustration ;) We took several pictures, but it's so delicate, this is the only one that turned out decently. I suppose I should just get it to the length I want before I worry too much about what else it needs. Good thing my amazing tatting callus is back!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
What Do You Do?
You watch your husband get ready to go to work and whine at him and make him feel bad about leaving you alone. (Well, you try to make him feel bad, but he's so annoyingly level-headed it doesn't work so you get mad at him instead.)
You sit in bed wondering what to do with yourself. You do this for a while.
You get up, get online and spend a few hours messing around, promoting your shop, blogging, etc. You get bored with this.
You put a chick flick your hubby doesn't like watching in the DVD player and gather supplies to make a silly sock creature out of Valentine's socks given to you for that purpose.
You get annoyed when you can't find the socks and fire off an angry text message to hubby at work accusing him of losing/hiding the socks.
You find the socks in plain sight and send an apologetic text message.
As you watch chick flick, you create a strange creature and then get annoyed with it when it won't tell you its name or story.
You give up on Valentine's Day altogether and do family stuff for the next few hours. When you get home again, you fall and twist your knee, thus ruining the next few days as well. You curse Valentine's Day and all who celebrate it and become bitter and cynical (well, more bitter and cynical).
The next day, you post about it in your blog and hope that makes you feel a little better.
It does ;)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Quoteables for Valentine's Day
"Where there is great love, there are always miracles." -Willa Cather
"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. " -Franklin P. Jones
"If you have it [Love], you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have. " -Sir James M. Barrie
"Love is a friendship set to music. " -E. Joseph Cossman
"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams." -Dr Seuss
Missing: Muse
So, I've added a poll! Help me design my next tatted choker. Maybe even more than one ;) Take a look at the chokers already in my shop to get an idea of what I can do. Or at least, what I'm talking about. Thanks in advance for the input and keep your eyes out for pics of my new projects, coming soon to a blog near you! (Well, this blog at least ;)
If the poll options are too limiting (it's harder to figure out what to ask than I thought it would be) just leave me a comment with your ideas. Inspire me!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Promotions! Promotions!
Free shipping on all baby afghans in the month of February.
And, this weekend only, buy any knit, crocheted, or tatted item and get the card of your choice for free! Just tell me the name/item number of the card you want in 'notes to seller' and I'll bundle it up with your item!
More promotions and specials coming soon. Help me make room for new inventory!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
At Last! I'm Popular!
Okay, I'm not Prom Queen popular or anything, but I did sell two copies of this pattern in one day! And I've sold two sets of Juggling Geese within a week. Makes me feel pretty good. Now, if only some bigger ticket items would become popular ;)
After working on tatting projects for about a week, my tatting calluses are finally starting to build up again and the thread isn't cutting into my fingers as much. I really need to stop letting the calluses soften and heal. It's a pain to build them back up, in more ways than one!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Busy Hands
Random Musing
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Warning- Impending Rant
1. Why are ads being aimed at me not written by people who understand me? Does anyone think that Always' current slogan "Have a happy period" was written by anyone other than a hopefully deluded man? I don't know a single woman who would consider having a "happy period." How often to you get an excuse to be bitchy to everyone? This doesn't mean that anyone of any gender should assume that a bitchy woman has reached "that time of the month." Keep those opinions to yourself, or we'll have to kill you. I just mean that all I do when I see those ads is grumble and scream at the TV rather than actually listening to the intent of the commercial. There are plenty of other commercials that fall into this category, but I can't think of them at the moment.
2. Why are all the personifications of bad things so darn cute? It started a few years ago with the absolutely huggable "Migraine" monster attacking people at restaurants and such. I took one look at that precious little thing supposedly causing all this misery and wondered "Why don't my migraines look like that? He's cute! I want a little one to cuddle!" Now it's adorable Heartburn, and the cutest of all "Hungry." My annoying Hungry is more like a rabid Cerberus and he doesn't ever offer me food, simply demands I go hunt and/or gather my own even if it means risking life and limb.
I guess, like many of us, I just sit at home and watch TV commercials (no, I didn't even watch the Super Bowl for commercials, I watched DVDs) and marvel at the fact that someone got paid for that idea, people competed to play those roles, and someone is going to make a ton of money from it in the end.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Back from the Blackhole
I think they turned out well! Of course, my pants are still coated in a fine layer of wool in various shades of yellow and orange. I can't seem to get rid of it all. Totally worth it though!